Choosing the best Quad bike for your child.
We all must admit that quad bikes are a fantastic source of fun and entertainment, something that all the members of the family can enjoy. However, there are some key factors that you need to take into consideration.
What size bike do I need?
You need to match the quad bike to the size of your child; you also need to consider what age they are as they you wouldn’t want a bike that doesn’t fit them in a few months time. Choose a bike that is a suitable size and they can still manage at their current age/ height. Ideally you want your kids to be able to mount the bike independently and sit with their feet on the pegs in a comfortable position.
Also make sure the quad bike isn't too small and you are not exceeding the bikes weight limits.
What it the right amount of power?
Your child’s ability will vary from child to child, the good news is most bikes have limiters and can be restricted to match your child’s ability. So, you can initially set a lower power mode. When they are comfortable, you can then let them loose on a higher range of power.
What’s better a Manual or Automatic?
Some children will be able to adapt to a manual gearbox, but many will be more comfortable with an automatic. Using a manual bike will be a little more challenging but this can also add to the fun. As their experience improves, so does the ability of knowing when to change gear which can make it more engaging when biking.
Do you have access to a suitable area to practice?
When you decide to get kitted up with all your safety gear, you next need to look at where and how difficult your drive will be. So, start on flat surfaces until skill levels improve and a better understanding of balance and tip risks, then you can approach some of those more challenging hills.
TEL: 01773 432102
MOBILE: 07851 116845
Devonshire Industrial Hamlet
Unit 6D Station road,
S43 1JU
Quad-Warehouse Ltd is registered in England and Wales No 11397733.
Disclaimer: The recommended age and height for bike usage are provided as general guidelines. Actual suitability should be determined at the discretion of the parent or owner.